If you follow our weekly blog, you will recall when on August/23/2020, I wrote how adult children are helping their parents downsize or age in place. We were talking about an Accessory Dwelling Unit, it is also a.k.a in-laws-suite or alley flats. These are the perfect and ultimate aging-in-place upgrade.
A.A.R.P. re-published on September/2021 an article that reviews the ADUs. To read our article go to our website Health Care Recruiting Company | Blog – Manhattan, NY | Health Care New York to read the A.A.R.P. article or to learn more, go to AARP’s Future of Housing ADU video library at aarp.org/futureofhousing to hear stories from ADUdwellers. For AARP ADU resources, go to aarp.org/ADU.
The kicker with the ADU is you are still living in the same neighborhood, close to transportation, healthy food, and interesting shops and parks. In other words, the physical space has changed, not your surroundings. ADU is being approved in several States since 2004.