
Home Care Agencies

Many problems have been identified and are on the rise regarding home care agencies, in New York City there is a flood of immigrants trying to start their lives. What really means is the system must absorb them and at the same time show that the taxpayers aren’t paying the bill.

Neither the government is footing the bill they are redirecting the immigrants to the healthcare industry, more specifically to homecare so it can show that the immigrants are self-sufficient, making their way through.

I have seen an increase in homecare givers that say that they are in line to have their work permit with the government or that they just move to the US. I think that everyone needs to work and start their lives as best as they can, however, the issue is that most of them don’t speak any English, and I don’t believe they have been properly trained for the job.

I have several clients who send them home because of poor communication skills and trained; I had an agency employee tell my client to ask me if I could show their aide what to do?

Something that is really a big concern to me is that because of the demand of seniors who need and want to remain in their homes, agencies are cashing in. Agencies are setting a minimum of 8 hours per visit; clients are forced to have someone in their own homes because the flexibility is no longer there.

It’s Crazy

One Summer morning, my patient and I came to blows, was not the first time, neither it was the least; this time was like always related to a corn that the patient’s foot and I for the last 2 years have been expressing my concern. My patient is a quadriplegic, therefore things like that are important since the quadriplegic does not fell or can prevent things from happening or could later become a bigger problem.

And these person is a mastermind in mind games, manipulations, and lies. And that’s why I am trying to make sense of all. It’s crazy how much lies and manipulation the person tells and applies. And that’s why many of us who live with a person like that kind second guest their own rational thoughts.

My patient is nothing short from be compare by me as Dirty John; there were a lot of lies, manipulation, mary go around, badmouthing, and so on. So when you try to tell some else about what you go through on a daily basis, no one would believe because they act so nice, and yet the character is beyond flaw. They actually go above and beyond to destroy you any way they can, including and not limited to trying to destroy your self steam.