Clean up after your yourself

Life is stressful. Some people manage to make that ten times fold. I am a very simple person, therefore when I see my desk, closet or whatever needs organizing and or cleaning, I just got to around to do it.

Only will take few minutes each day to keep in a good standard, when you are running the dishwasher or the washer or dryer, organize one draw from the desk.

Over the years working with some of my clients that had a diagnose mental health issue, I used to do one little thing at time. However also did worked with another client whom used to plan around, overly analyze and at the end does not accomplish anything. And always blaming me to not being able to do what she thought was needed to do.

Others think that clean-up is like writing where the first narrative is a draft and after that comes a lot editing and by the time you wake up you haven’t written anything.

Some people created walls impossible to climb over, these specific clients build several walls, making the client/ aide relationship non-existent, unpleasant and very difficult.