Social Media/Email Manners

Today I would like to talk about a simple that some of us are not quite sure, such as manners online, what should you publish or not, pictures of you on family gatherings or peeking in the toilet, in a perfect word and nonjudgmental work environment the family gatherings would be the best choice, however my advice is none.

If you have an email and social media platforms the best practice is to keep professional and personal as far away as possible. I personally recommend having two distinct emails one with your favorite (pet, doll, ex-boyfriends name) and one professional with your professional industry attached to it.

By doing so will give the job seeker a better distinction. The employers will evaluate your skills and appearance on both fronts. I want to approach the subject of social media platform where nowadays everything is done on the World Wide Web, think twice to before you hit the send button, it will get you in so much trouble, that you must exercise discretion. One can not expect privacy when taking advantage of your favorite coffee shop. Your privacy, it’s your job to keep private.

Is essential that you try your best to keep separate both worlds, is like the old say “whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, private or too personal information may be offensive to some.

I remember when I first start looking for a job, my first advice was, comb your hair, don’t bite your nails, wash your clothes, in other words, groom yourself to make a good first impression. The same goes for those silly and natty pictures and text messages. Companies nowadays have access to everything that happens in any one’s life.

One last thought your personal life should not get in the way of a better job, work environment, higher salary, and its personal to you and your loved ones, it belongs yours, family and friend’s memories.

Rachel Nobre
Worked as an independent home nurse.